Hawaii Features




Configuration properties



The Hawaii logging feature provides a number of filter beans which add information that can log information about requests. The Hawaii logging is only usable in a servlet environment, because all filters use HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse to obtain information.

The main purpose of Hawaii logging is to write structured information into log lines, in such a way that it can be parsed by elastic search (Kibana). A specialized encoder is included to write out the log lines, as well as a bunch of filters that gather and, in some cases, create information to be included in each message. Hawaii logging currently only contains a logback-based encoder, so Hawaii logging is only usable if you use logback as your logging implementation.

The next sections describe the individual filters contained in the Hawaii logging module. For more information on disabling and configuring individual filters, please refer to the Hawaii logging starter.


The Kibana log filter gathers request data such as request method, uri and client ip address and stores it so it can be added to subsequent log messages.

Kibana cleanup

The Kibana cleanup filter empties all Kibana-specific data after the rest of the filter chain has been processed. It is intended to be used early in the chain, such that the cleanup happens last.

Request duration

This filter determines the duration of the request in milliseconds. It add the duration to the Kibana fields and logs it.

Request id

This filter generates a new request id, adds it to the Kibana fields and also writes it as a header on the response.

Transaction id

This filter reads an incoming transaction id from a request header, or generates a new one. The transaction id is written to a response header and added to the Kibana fields. The ability to read an incoming transaction id provides the ability to have multiple requests, spanning multiple systems within the same transaction.

User details

This filter retrieves the authenticated principal from the security context and stores the user name in the Kibana fields so that it gets included in each log message. This filter is only instantiated if Spring security is found on the class path.


This filter logs the content type, size, headers and body of incoming requests, as well as the response status, headers and body. Optionally, the filter can log the response to a file if it exceeds a certain threshold size.

Hawaii Time

HawaiiTime is not merely a convenient wrapper to instantiate new java.time date and time objects. It provides an application wide java.time.Clock reference which is particular useful for unit testing.

It is similar to Joda’s DateTimeUtils which also allows setting a fixed current time. However it is important to note that Joda’s DateTimeUtils uses a static variable to store the current time. HawaiiTime does not take this approach. Instead the HawaiiTime bean needs to be injected in any class that needs to instantiate new date and time objects. This approach is more flexible and e.g. has the benefit that unit tests can be run in parallel. See example usage below.

public class MyClass {

	private HawaiiTime hawaiiTime;

	public MyClass(HawaiiTime hawaiiTime) { (1)
		this.hawaiiTime = hawaiiTime;

	public void doSomethingWithDate() {
		ZonedDateTime dateTime = this.hawaiiTime.zonedDateTime(); (2)
		// ...

public class MyClassTests {

	public void testDoSomethingWithDate() {
	    long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
		HawaiiTime hawaiiTime = new HawaiiTime();
		hawaiiTime.useFixedClock(millis); (3)
		MyClass myClass = new MyClass(hawaiiTime);
		// ...
  1. Inject the HawaiiTime bean.

  2. Use the injected HawaiiTime bean to instantiate new date and time objects.

  3. In unit tests a fixed clock can be used to manipulate and predict the exact current time.

Another benefit of using HawaiiTime is that a fixed time can be used in a running application to test how it behaves on a given date or time.

Third-party libraries being used by the application do not use HawaiiTime and probably instantiate date and time objects based on the System time.

Hawaii uses UTC as default timezone but this can be changed by setting the hawaii.time.timezone configuration property. The provided value will be parsed by java.time.ZoneId#of(String zoneId) and supports different timezone formats like UTC, Europe/Amsterdam and GMT+1.

The creation of the HawaiiTime bean can also be disabled by setting hawaii.time.enabled to false.


Hawaii’s validation mechanism can be used to validate any object. It basically validates values, collects validation errors and stores them in a validation result. These validation errors are simple field / error code combinations.

Hawaii’s Validator is inspired on Spring’s org.springframework.validation.Validator mechanism. However Hawaii’s validator mechanism uses it’s own ValidationResult instead of Spring’s org.springframework.validation.Errors. The main difference is that Hawaii’s ValidationResult does not bind directly the object being validated. This also gives the possibility to add errors for specific keys that are not direct properties of the object being validated.

Hawaii’s validation mechanism also provides additional sugar like Hamcrest matcher support to write human readable validating code, the capability to validate and automatically throw a ValidationException in case of errors etc.

Like Spring’s validation mechanism the Hawaii validation mechanism also supports the notion of nested error paths which also stimulates to re-use validators.

Let’s take an example. Imagine a Customer object with common name, e-mail, and address fields. A validation result could for example contain the following field / error code combinations:

first_name = required (1)
last_name = max_length_exceeded
email = invalid
addresses = primary_address_required (2)
addresses[0].type = invalid (3)
addresses[0].street_name = max_length_exceeded
addresses[0].postal_code = invalid
addresses[0].city = max_length_exceeded
addresses[0].country_code = required
  1. The field first_name has an required error code.

  2. The field adresses (an array in this case) has primary_address_required error code.

  3. The field type of the first address in the addresses array has a invalid error code.

The example demonstrates simple field errors (like first_name) but also storing errors for arrays and nested paths (addresses[0].type). In theory a field could also have multiple error codes if needed.

Implementors should typically only implement the org.hawaiiframework.sample.validator.Validator#validate(Object, ValidationResult) method as the other methods in the interface are already implemented using the interface’s default methods.

A generic EmailValidator would look like:

import org.hawaiiframework.validation.ValidationResult;
import org.hawaiiframework.validation.Validator;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class EmailValidator implements Validator<String> { (1)

    public static final String EMAIL_PATTERN = "^[_A-Za-z0-9-\\+]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$";

    private Pattern pattern;

    public EmailValidator() {
        this.pattern = Pattern.compile(EMAIL_PATTERN);

    public void validate(String email, ValidationResult validationResult) { (2)
        if (!pattern.matcher(email).matches()) {
            validationResult.rejectValue("invalid"); (3)
  1. Implement the Validator (in this case a String).

  2. Override the Validator#validate(Object, ValidationResult) method.

  3. In case the e-mail is invalid, reject the value with error code invalid and store it in the validation result.

The CustomerValidator would look like:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.hawaiiframework.sample.validator.EmailValidator;
import org.hawaiiframework.validation.ValidationResult;
import org.hawaiiframework.validation.Validator;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.List;

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;

public class CustomerInputValidator implements Validator<CustomerInput> { (1)

    private final EmailValidator emailValidator;
    private final AddressValidator addressValidator;

    public CustomerInputValidator(final EmailValidator emailValidator,
            final AddressValidator addressValidator) { (2)
        this.emailValidator = emailValidator;
        this.addressValidator = addressValidator;

    public void validate(CustomerInput customer, ValidationResult validationResult) { (3)

        // first name validation
        String firstName = customer.getFirstName();
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(firstName)) {
            validationResult.rejectValue("first_name", "required");
        } else {
            validationResult.rejectValueIf(firstName.length(), greaterThan(25), "first_name",

        // last name validation
        String lastName = customer.getLastName();
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(lastName)) {
            validationResult.rejectValue("last_name", "required");
        } else {
            validationResult.rejectValueIf(lastName.length(), greaterThan(25), "last_name",

        // e-mail validation
        String email = customer.getEmail();
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(email)) {
            validationResult.rejectValue("email", "required");
        } else if (email.length() > 100) {
            validationResult.rejectValue("email", "max_length_exceeded");
        } else {
            emailValidator.validate(email, validationResult);

        // adresses validation
        List<Address> addresses = customer.getAddresses();
        if (addresses == null || addresses.size() == 0) {
            validationResult.rejectValue("addresses", "required");
        } else {
            // addresses array validations
            long primaries = addresses.stream()
                    .filter(address -> address.getType() == AddressType.PRIMARY)
            if (primaries == 0) {
                validationResult.rejectValue("addresses", "primary_address_required");
            } else if (primaries > 1) {
                validationResult.rejectValue("addresses", "only_1_primary_address_allowed");
            if (addresses.size() > 3) {
                validationResult.rejectValue("addresses", "max_array_length_exceeded");
            // address validations
            for (int i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) {
                validationResult.pushNestedPath("addresses", i);
                addressValidator.validate(addresses.get(i), validationResult);
  1. Implement the Validator (in this case a Customer).

  2. Inject other validators (EmailValidator, AddressValidator) to be re-used.

  3. Override the Validator#validate(Object, ValidationResult) method.


Global Exception Handler


REST Representations


Input Converter


Resource Assembler